Tuesday, September 1, 2015

 Poverty in the Philippines 

                  We all deserve a healthy, happy and joyful life. We all deserve to be treated fairly. But that is not the  case when it comes to the Philippines. One of the biggest social issue the Philippines is facing right now is poverty. Even though poverty is found throughout the world the Philippines is a place where poverty is very high. I am a resident of the Philippines and I would like to share my experiences with you, down are photos of poverty in the Philippines.

Quite sad dont you think? If you yourself were in this situation do you think you would be happy? These people have homes as big as your rooms with around 10 people living in it, do you think they could achieve a good future, good education or a stable Life? There are many reasons why this problem exists in this country below are the reasons you can find that cause these heartbreaking imbalance of society

Cause of poverty 

One of the most common causes of is corruption, corruption is present everywhere so wherever corruption goes poverty follows it, politicians of the Philippines are mostly corrupt since the way they think is very smart but bad since it causes poverty, I would say they think smart because of their cheeky ways of getting into someones wallet and taking what they have and that is what causes poverty, another way they cause poverty is by stealing tax money from society for their own good and pleasure while others suffer.

How and when will poverty be stopped?

      In my opinion the only way poverty could be stopped is through the people, they need to wake up and vote for leaders who can really put his people first before money or even himself, people need to realize that nothing will change if there is no change within them, the politics of the Philippines wont care for these issues as long as money goes into their pockets, people need to understand and express themselves, i am only and human so knowing when poverty will end is not possible for me to know but I know it will be stopped one day.
      Always be merciful, generous and remove greed from yourself, help others and the less fortunate in your society, remember that money can not be brought in the after life, only the good deeds that were done, understand that poverty is common and think of how lucky right now you are to have food, water, education, family and a home, THANK YOU FOR READING MY BLOG!!! GOD BLESS!!